Tuesday 6 March 2012

Radio Ratbags (Revised)

Several bits of news today and some dates to remember too. First up, Rattlebag will be doing a few songs at the irish music session at the Royal Oak at Pett Level on Wednesday March the 14th. Things kick off at eight o'clock so please come and listen.

The very next day Ratters will be hosting the usual monthly Singaround in the back room at The Stag in All Saints Street, Hastings. That's at half past eight on Thursday March 15th. This is quite close to St Patrick's day so if you feel moved to bring an Irish song or two to share, go right ahead. This is also the last singaround before Hastings traditional March Hare Day celebrations, so we might decide to practice a couple of the Hare songs too.

On Tuesday March 20th, Rattlebag will be appearing on the electric wireless. We will be singing a few songs on "Who Stole My Wireless: The Acoustic Sessions", a radio show hosted by local legend Ian Barnett. Linkage here....


The programme starts at eight o'clock in the evening and can be listened to on 87.7FM or, perhaps more realistically if you live anywhere else other than selected corners of Little Common and The Ridge, online at...


Lots of music and fun this month then, brought to you by Rattlebag, "conquering the universe, one pub at a time........"